S V B Government Degree College, Koilkuntla

(Affiliated to Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, A.P.)

Accreditation by NAAC By with "B++" Grade

Infrastructure - Library

Infrastructure - Library

The institution has a library housing diverse collection of 10,000 books. The books comprise 5000 latest textbooks purchased from SC, ST, and UGC book banks, 1500 reference books, 3500 books on other subjects and. There are 15 almirahs to store and maintain books.  02 departmental libraries are also maintained. N-List is subscribed annually.

The next main e-resource is N-List. The institution subscribes N-List annually, both staff and students have access to Books and Journals through INFLIBNET. 150 members actively have access to the resources available on INFLIBNET. 

Computers in library and Guidance on resources

There are 02 computers in the library which are provided to the students exclusively for browsing learning resources. The students are guided on various online learning resources available on various websites. Xerox and Printing facility is provided to the students to make learning and its related things easy.

Library offline Books

The library has a subscription to offline journals such as Current Science, Ramakrishna Prabha,02 Newspapers. There are departmental libraries maintained by individual departments which acquire books from the main library to facilitate students for exclusive and quick access.

Reading and Reference

Library has a reading space where students can spend time for reading reference books, News Papers and Magazines.

Library week

Library organizes library week to create awareness among the students about library resources, advantages, opportunities and available facilities. On the occasion of library week, talent tests are conducted and prizes were distributed to the winners. Ultimately this program lets the students to adopt and make use of library facilities.