Subject |
Topic |
Link to download |
Zoology | Livestock - Indian Cattle breeds | |
Zoology | Livestock - Indian Buffalo Breeds | |
Telugu | Personality Development | A Krishna Shasanka-Telugu - Google Drive |
History | Socio-Economic Conditions of Satavahanas | Socio-Economic Conditions of Satavahanas LMS .pptx - Google Slides |
History | Satavahanas Origin and their Capitals | Satavahanas Origin and their Capitals LMS .pptx - Google Slides |
English | Human Values and Professional Ethics | Life Skill Courses |
Physics | FM Receiver | A Krishna Dasu - Topic 2- 30.10.24.mp4 - Google Drive |
Physics | FM Transmitter | A Krishna Dasu - Physics - Made with Clipchamp_1729927040403.mp4 - Google Drive |
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