S V B Government Degree College, Koilkuntla

(Affiliated to Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, A.P.)

Accreditation by NAAC By with "B++" Grade


Right To Information Act - 2005

This act came into force from 2005 

Designation of the Employee as per RTI-2005 Act          Assistant Public Information Officer Public Information Officer (P.I.O)          Appelate officer                        
Name of the officer Smt.P.Saraswathi Sri.U.Venkateswara Reddy Dr.K.Venugopal
Designation of the officer Junior Assistant Lecturer in Commerce Principal of the College
Mobile Number 9490088066 9441657058 9492972666
E-Mail ID kklg4.jkc@gmail.com kklg4.jkc@gmail.com kklg4.jkc@gmail.com
Functions of the Officer Receive the applications for information or appeals under this Act for forwarding the same to Public Information Officer  P.I.O. of a Public Authority plays a pivotal role in making the right of citizens to information a reality. RTI Act casts specific duties on him and makes liable for penalty in case of default. Appellate Authority should dispose of the appeal within 30 days of the receipt of the appeal. In some exceptional cases, the appellate authority may take 45 days for its disposal. However, in such cases the appellate authority should record, in writing, the reasons for not deciding the appeal within 30 days.